People Are So Annoying

I honestly don’t understand people sometimes. The majority (not all) of the aquarists that I’ve come across firmly believe that you shouldn’t medicate your fish when they’re sick. They want to use natural remedies which is fine if the fish are responsive to it.

I keep seeing people hesitate when the natural remedies aren’t working out so great. You would not hesitate if it were a child suffering from an illness, so why hesitate when your pets are sick?

How many of us keep medications on hand (Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, cold, cough, and flu medicines)? Why would you not do the same and keep medication on hand for your fish?

/end rant

On a lighter note; we bought 4 male Congo Tetra last night (the female Congo in the 30G should be happy!) and put them in the quarantine tank. Their fins are tattered and look bad, and considering where I rescued them from I went ahead and medicated the tank with fungus and parasite treatments. All 4 of them ate today, so this is a great sign. The Kordon Fish Protector that I put in there should help with the tattered fins and also help promote healing. It also has electrolytes, echinacea and vitamin B12 (think of it like Gatorade for fish), and will help aid in the application of medications to their skin. Fingers crossed that they make it through the next few weeks!! You should see these guys… they are absolutely beautiful compared to the females.

More Tank Pictures

Decided to upload some more pictures of my 30G tank, only these show the new background that we finally got around to putting on. Still trying to figure out how to work the cameras (Doug has a nice Canon DSLR that I spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how to turn on haha!). One of these days I’ll figure out how to take decent pictures of fish… and perhaps talk them into being still long enough for a photo. *Grin*

PetrahsTank1 PetrahsTank2 PetrahsTank3

Aquatic Pictures

Decided to take a few photographs of my Serpae Tetras and Panda Garra. Halfway through taking the shots, the tank lights went out. Doh! I have the light on a timer so that the fish are use to having a regular schedule. I did manage to get a halfway decent shot of one of the Panda Garras…. they are so adorable! I think they are my favorites thus far.

Tetra & Panda Garra

Serpae Tetra

Tetra & Panda Garra

Serpae Tetra

Tetra & Panda Garra

Panda Garra

Cycle is complete!

Tank is finally cycled, finished up with a few more decorations and added the Malaysian driftwood. 10 Serpae Tetra, 3 Panda Garra and 2 Marimo. Decided to do the Neons last as they are the ones that will stress the most during the ride home. Plus I’m going to get them from a place a bit closer to home so that the drive isn’t as long.

PetSmart has the cleanest and nicest tanks that I’ve seen thus far. Plus I like the stickers with the fish info on them, which let you know if they’re community fish, semi aggressive, minimum tank size, foods they eat etc. etc. etc. Most of the non-chain/privately owned LFS that I’ve gone to have tanks that are borderline nasty, and the fish do not look healthy at all. Stickers have no information about the fish either, so I’ve added a saved link on my cell phone to The Aquarium Wiki for quick references.

Had to go 20 minutes out for the Panda Garra due to no one close having them (much less heard of them). They’re SO adorable, too!! A bit on the spastic side, but they’re still cute as hell. You can’t really see them as they’re small, but they should grow to roughly 4 inches or so. Trying to get a picture of them is going to be painful I think!

More fish coming soon! Click on images for larger view.


Completed cycle


Completed cycle